Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Making of the Modern Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Making of the Modern Woman - Essay Example This points out to gross under recording of their contributions to growth of humankind. When recorded, women usually played less weighty, stereotypical roles of wives, girlfriends and mistresses among other less significant roles as expressed by historians (Purvis 41). The aim of this paper is to show women development and discuss how far they have come considering the challenges they face. Education. Until recently, the education of the girl child was considered less useful than that of a boy. Consequently, more resources were channeled towards education of boys who were termed as future leaders of the society while women were seen as wives and nothing more. Many cultures concurred in this aspect so much that even in the most developed of societies, girls or women always had less education than boys. Girls only received enough education to read and write while boys advanced in their education up to tertiary level. This ensured that the male position in society as leaders was consoli dated while women were concentrated on chores. The feminist revolution, however, changed all that and women nowadays have equal opportunities as men, albeit with some reluctance from the male dominated society (Bucor 1381). Equality. Development of the contraceptive pill in 1960 formed the starting point of the feminist revolution. ... According to DiCaprio, Lisa, and Wiesner (247), there has been gradual but sure change where women are now more or less treated with equity to men. Employment. In early days, there were jobs for men and others for women. Throughout history, the most lucrative jobs were for men while women had the lesser jobs. This was justified in some cases where women could not cope with unusually taxing or manual jobs. There were other jobs for women, mostly the less manly ones that the earlier chauvinistic men would not touch. In recent times, changes have happened that allow women to take lucrative jobs, including being high ranking managers and politicians like presidents and prime ministers (Guardian 2011). Religion. Most world religions do not mention the role of women in their doctrines. For instance, in the Bible only men were counted while women were grouped together with children thereby showing where women ranked in the Christianity hierarchy. In the Catholic Church, which carries a majo rity of Christians, there is no allowance for women to join the clergy, as was the case with Disciples of Christ. There is no explanation to this whatsoever but any critic can see that Christianity was and in many ways, still is seriously biased against women. Islam, on the other hand, promotes polygamy where women are seen as property just like material belongings when revealing the wealth status of a man (Smith 740). Things are changing, and women are becoming more involved in the society with even the world’s religions reconsidering women’s position. As a result, protestant churches have many women as pastors, seers and bishops. Family. As a mother, daughter or mistress, the role of a woman in the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Video games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Video games - Essay Example Video games can include profanity, criminal behavior, drug use, sexual themes, and graphic violence. Under U.S. law video games containing profanity, criminal behavior, drug use, sexual themes, and graphic violence are marked under the game rating label as MA, along with a V for violence and other appropriate warning labels. Specific games, like Grand Theft Auto, Doom, EverQuest, Need for Speed, and other popular titles promote the adverse behavior mentioned above. All of these titles are rated MA. Despite the mature rating children, teenagers, and adults make these titles best sellers. This can lead to the conclusion that video games including profanity, criminal behavior, drug use, sexual themes, and graphic violence are preferred by the public. The first example of video violence influencing real violence is the Columbine Massacre. On 20 April 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold arrived at Columbine High School, outside of Denver (Larkin, 1). Armed with an elaborate plan, bombs, and guns, the two shooters entered the school. In forty-five minutes, Harris and Klebold killed twelve students and one teacher. Twenty-four more students were wounded. After the forty-five minute rampage, Harris and Klebold committed suicide (Larkin, 8). The Columbine Massacre was one of the bloodiest school shootings in U.S. history. Before the Columbine Massacre, Harris and Klebold both played an online game called Doom (Larkin, 129). Doom is a first person shooting game for the computer platform. Doom can also be played online against other gamers. Harris even wrote levels of Doom. Manipulating Doom characters into violent scenarios was one of Harris’ hobbies (Larking, 130). The two boys bonded while playing this violent game. Harris even invented a Doom level that resembled Columbine High School. Many were quick to blame the Doom game for the violent attack. The violent video game,